Buffalo Brew Club (SE ARIZONA)

We’re a hoppy bunch of home brewers and beer enthusiasts who celebrate the magical alchemy of mash, water, and yeast. The Buffalo Club is named after an old western drinking game. The story goes that back in them olden days, Cowboys didn’t want to be caught dead (literally) with a beer in their shooting hand, so they drank with their off hand. Sharp-eyed buddies who caught their friends drinking with their good hand would shout, “Buffalo!”, and the unfortunate cowboy would have to drown the whole brew and start a new beer.

We meet usually the first Sunday of every month at 3:00 pm at Arizona Hops & Vines in Sonoita.  Please check our events page for up to the minute dates and times.

Buffalo Brew Club Facebook Page

You can also join our Google+ group if you don’t like FB.

We talk beer, taste beer, and sometimes have a featured brewer who comes down and shows a beer or two or talks about his/her ingredients or techniques.

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